About 60% of patients seeking primary care for back pain also report associated leg pain, which can include sciatica from nerve root entrapment and referred pain without nerve involvement. Those with leg pain generally experience worse outcomes than those with back pain alone.1-2 Traditionally, sciatica was viewed as a self-limiting condition. However, recent studies highlight […]
Shoulder impingement often results from repetitive activities. Weightlifters, tennis players, painters, and construction workers are particularly at risk. However, everyday tasks like driving, reading, working, and cooking can also contribute, as the postures we adopt during these activities can reduce the subacromial space in the shoulder. The ShoulderThe shoulder consists of three bones connected by […]
The holiday season is filled with activities like cooking, parties, shopping, and travel, making it easy to put physical therapy on the back burner. However, if you’re in PT during the holidays, it’s likely due to pain, recovery from surgery, or a desire to improve your mobility. These issues can overshadow your holiday spirit, so […]
Exercise offers numerous health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, managing weight, and reducing stress. Another key benefit is its role in preventing type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, exercise doesn’t need to be intense or strenuous to be effective. Activities like walking, gardening, or other enjoyable forms of light exercise can be just as beneficial. However, people […]
It’s tempting to stay at our desks during lunch breaks, especially with the constant flood of emails and work stress. However, this habit can leave us feeling drained and irritable. Research suggests that a short walk during lunch can be a simple yet effective way to recharge. A study published in the Scandinavian Journal of […]
Regular physical exercise is essential for preventing a variety of health issues, notably reducing overall mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer-related deaths.1 It is also an effective treatment for chronic conditions such as depression, hypertension, cognitive decline, osteoarthritis, and type 2 diabetes. Physical inactivity ranks as the second most significant cardiovascular risk factor, following poor […]
The question may be a surprise – “How can physical therapy help?” Physical therapy (PT) isn’t just for patients with injuries or recent surgeries. It’s also for people seeking to improve their health and well-being. PT can help people of all ages who have medical conditions or physical limitations that hinder regular ability to move […]
With the ongoing spread of COVID-19, many businesses are transitioning their employees to remote work. However, not everyone has a designated home office space for setting up their computer equipment properly. Instead, people are making do with kitchen tables, sofas, or folding tables. While these temporary workstations can get the job done, they often lack […]
When it comes to managing neck pain, a little prevention can go a long way. While some factors, like age-related wear and tear, are beyond your control, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk of neck pain. One key area to focus on is your sleeping habits, specifically your pillow and […]
If you’re experiencing elbow pain and have been asking around for potential diagnoses, you might have heard various terms. With so many names and descriptions, it can be confusing to pinpoint exactly what’s causing your discomfort. What Is Elbow Pain Called? Elbow pain, particularly on the outer part of the elbow, can be triggered by […]