Squats are a great exercise. Not only are they a great lower-body workout, but they also help make everyday movements easier. For example, having the proper squat form down can make lifting objects off the floor easier. Squats also have many other health benefits. Just how does one do them properly? Stand with feet a […]
Out of all types of pain, knee pain may be the most prevalent among older adults. Knee pain is a hallmark of knee osteoarthritis. Over 27 million people have osteoarthritis with the knees being the most commonly affected area. The number of people dealing with knee pain is steadily rising. Despite the number of people […]
When most people think of physical therapy, they either imagine it being for athletes or retirees. The truth is anyone can benefit from physical therapy. It’s prescribed for people of all ages. This is because the benefits from it are wide ranging. Some of these benefits include: Improving mobility Reducing or eliminating pain Avoiding surgery […]
With the country fighting an ever-growing battle against the opioid epidemic, safer options are getting the attention they have long deserved. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is becoming more adamant about avoiding opioid use for most pain treatment. Physical Therapy is one of their recommended alternatives. It’s considered safe and treats the pain […]
Pumpkin patch, apple cider, sweaters/hoodies, and those beautiful piles of leaves all over the lawn. Fall of the year is upon us once again. Raking leaves is the perfect opportunity to soak up some fresh air while getting in a workout at the same time, and the lawn will look great. Raking leaves is considered […]